What can't be mailed to Australia? Well, let's refer to the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry pamphlet left for me in a recent package from my family in Michigan:
Meat and Meat Products, Dairy, Eggs and Egg Products, Fruit and Vegetables, Plants and Soils, Seeds and Nuts, Plant Material, and finally, Live Animals, Australia has plenty of their own, thank you.

"The Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service (AQIS) checks goods arriving at international mail centres, airports and seaports. Quarantine officers, x-ray machines and detector dogs screen all of the 150 million items of international mail sent to Australia each year, intercepting around 80,000 high-risk items."
Let's consider the items in my package: one Carebear spiral notebook, a bag of Starburst Jellybeans, two Cadbury cream eggs, one Easter card, a few wallet-size photos of Barbara, my little sister (see below for one taken by yours truly), one USB digital card reader + cable, two birthday cards and a birthday present (DVD).
Maybe it was the eggs?

Barbara Janiski, Clio High School Class of 2007
Recently accepted to Michigan State University!